Dragon Tattoo - Dragon tattoo design

Dragon Tattoo - Dragon tattoo design

Japanese Tribal Dragon Tattoo Designs

Dragon Tattoo - Dragon tattoo design

Tribal dragon tattoos

Dragon Tattoo - Dragon tattoo design

Tribal dragon tattoos

Japanese Tribal Dragon Tattoo Designs

What does a Dragon Tattoo 

Represents on a Man?

1. "To me a dragon tattoo on man is significant tot he power that they want to express, i have a chinese dragon which represents wisdom, i have a mystical dragon that relates to the surreal beauty that i have within me, one to represent that of my english background and my first to represent my inner growth". Jones.

2." I think it is not only a style like anything else, but it shows his personality. They are magical in any way. On land, in the water or even in the air. To me they are gentle creature like anything else, but when they get mad. their is no stopping it. And that is how a man wants to feel. They want to be that strong with no stopping in strength".
Jason Russo

Dragon Tattoo - Dragon tattoo design
Dragon Tattoo


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